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tall, brown eyes that change colors, black hair, great smile and thin
Name: jonice faram
Details: 35 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: D.C., District of Columbia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tallcuttiepie
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just chillin
some guy went smile and i was like uhhhhhh
notice the huge coat it was winter lol
In my own words

i am very athletic but i love just hanging out with my friends. i can hang with the guys just as well as i can go on a shopping spree with the girls. i am really into doing new stuff and having a good time. i am an interesting person to talk to! so i hope to here from you if you are interested!!! do be to quick to judge me cuz i am not that easy to lable! i have recently dyed my hair blue i was so siked. i have tons o friends in bands and stuff like that! i guess my label would be afro punk er something of that sort to help some of you understand my "style" or "way of thinking" better.
The Meaning Of Life...

it doesn't matter! if someone discovers the meaning of life then what fun would that be and also how many people would agree. but if you really want the meaning of life go look it up. lol
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Favorite Things

home made mac n cheeze/pasta in pesto

punk, SKa, Rock, Rap, R&B, alternative,

TV Show
to many showz to list family guy, real world, etc

anyone who can tell a great story well

anything that makes me laugh


my fav people are my buds

my room, the beach

my journal, sketch pad


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