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Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Name: Gillian
Details: 37 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Girvan, ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/bamz_beeyatch
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aye just a wee bit EMO, lolz
In my own words

Insane, confused, confusing, blah, RANDOM...tiz me!!! Lost deep in thought on another planet... aww yeh no am not am here... wheres here?! I HATE clowns n spiders, i LOVE ma friends esp Nono *she's the bestest (an that is a word!!)*,Emily *always there when i need to vent, an shes in love wiv her Jess(thats her car), Scob *he's left us, i miss him muchly*, HAMM *i missed him*, Ev *hmm...he's different but thats a good thing.. i think*, then theres ma friends at college they are all great esp Vicky coz shes as random as me. Am gona buy me an EMO on ebay n lock it in a cupboard WOOHOO...haha... did u kno that melons float?! well u do now... add me to msn if u want ma addy iz [email protected]
My Pet Hate...

clingy dudes... ppl who pretend to care bout ur feelings then hurt them anyways n wonder y ur annoyed wiv them... silly ppl... not bein able to c ma friends cuz they dnt all get on thats juz poopy... aww yeh am not too keen on chavs either unless their kool dat iz...
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Favorite Things

Prawn Salad

loads to list, mostly emo tho

TV Show
Viva La Bam, Jackass, Hollyoaks n da rest...

Kathy Reichs n Garth Nix...

the crow, lost boys, blade 3 n da list goes on.

tigers n meer cats

Nono, Scob, HAMM n Emily

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lost in my thoughts!!

HUGZ!!!! i luv hugz!!!


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