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Looking forward to Summer!
Name: Blondey!
Details: 43 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: London darling, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/blondey2007
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I'm the one in the centre
In my own words

I'm a Sagittarius and it's the only star sign that I occasionally forget how to spell - quite annoying really. Apparently it means I'm difficult to live with (which explains living alone!) I'm only compatible with those of you who are Aries, Leo, Libra and of course Sagittarius. So even if your my perfect ideal partner and a Scorpio... don't bother. As due to the sun and stuff it won't work. Anyway yeh theres more to me than that, I talk a lot - too much sometimes or I'm very quiet - theres no middle with me. Strange but so am I... haha! I've currently got an obsession with Russell Brand as you've probably noticed although this should change in a month - usually does! I love my job and don't think I'll ever change it; unless they dump me of course. I've no pets as I'd be rubbish at feeding them and walking them - I'm probably suited to have a cat. I'll look into it. So that's meeee...
In A Perfect World...

It would be bloody boring and living in London it would still rain all the time!! But I do love rain deep down I think we all do unless we get drenched... and when we do get drenched it's quite funny and end up stripping off (well only when I spend time on my friends farm... away from prying eyes - haha). All men would have sexy 6-packs and would basically look like: Brad Pitt, Russell Brand, Becks, Johnny Depp and Olivier Martinez!
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bigblackjay wrote...  
haha its jus a bit naughty x
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bigblackjay wrote...  
lovin the pics sexy, check my profile n msg me sometime x
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Favorite Things

I like pasta but I love Doritos & cola bottles!


TV Show
Anything with Russell Brand in because I love him

A Million Little Pieces and Freakonomics

Sliding Doors, Heat, Inside Man

Night Club / Bar
None of the overpriced ego-trip big clubs

I like mice and horses.

Mum, without her I wouldn't be here today... obv

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HOME! It's warm, I also like Ireland and Prague

What kind of thing? My appartment, it's a thing.


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