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I'm awesome!
Name: Dominique
Details: 36 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: I live in a house..., Florida
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/domibabe19
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Me and my favoritest in the whole world, Jen
Me and AJ
I love how I'm the only blonde! ha!
that's me! =)
In my own words

In my own words....hmmm....never turn down a challenge because if you do, you are just underestimating yourself, also, don't care about what people think about you, you don't need to impress anybody, just be yourself, and the true people in the world will like you just like that, who cares about everyone else....screw em' :-)
My Dream Date...

Hmmm....my dream date would be a super hot guy would show up at my door and be a total sweetie, we'd go for a walk on the beach at sunset and just like joke around, splash each other, play fight, fun stuff like that, and then we'd have dinner on the beach when the moon and stars were out and then we'd sit and cuddle and have a deep conversation about whatever, just those random conversations, ya know about everything that get all deep, or make out or all of the above!
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4 photos
Favorite Things

cereal or anything italian or cheesecake

everything and anything

TV Show
family guy, home movies,whose line is it anyway?

probably Nicholas Sparks

Anything like X-men/Shrek/Napolean Dynamite/etc

Night Club / Bar
the beach, im not a club person, yet

my baby...Striker...he's a beagle

Jesus =) hehe

the beach, at night especially

my bed? i dunno


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