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Name: Hayley
Details: 35 years old (Aquarius), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/haylz2005
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In my own words

THERE IS NOTHING HERE FOR YOU!!! UU KNOW WHO U R SO DONT BE NOSEY N JEALOUS ENUF TO TAKE THE PICTURES. Now Let me begin! I'm Hayley... Im from Liverpool but living in colchester right now. Im 22 years young & i have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. Im looking forward to having the best new year 2010! Got alot of resolutions etc, lets just just hope i stick to em this year Haha. I have a wierd taste in music i like a good mixture. My favourite singer is Whitney Houston, Who i hope to one day see preform live. Michael Jackson <3 & Amy Winehouse. I like many bands.. Oasis, The Police, The Verve, The Ting Ting's,Girls Aloud & JLS etc < Told UU Im wierd Hahaa. Feel free to send me a message 9times out of 10 il like UU & reply :D <3 x
In A Perfect World...

You are my soal mate, the beat in my heart, It feels like a year each second we're apart! With you in my heart, I'm walking on air. I can still imagine your smell and the touch of your hair. Your a special person, a pleasure to know, My love for you will just continue too grow! We'v been through good and bad, but il always be there if you need me when your hurting or your sad. I LOVE YOU..<3
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Comments 10 of 135 | post a comment | view all
enilyks wrote...  
Edward Scissor hands...now thats not your usual girlie movie pick
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paulj212 wrote...  
Hiya Hayley,
I've just seen your profile :) You're gorgeous hun :)
If you'd like to chat on msn mine is [email protected]
Paul xx
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0000050000 wrote...  
[email protected] add me if u lke a chat hun?
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drsaucysteve wrote...  
saw ur pic and had to tell u i think ur stunning add my msn if u like its [email protected] so we can chat more ?xx
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nottz-juvanile wrote...  
ite gawjus howz u jus read ur profile n liked wt i saw snd uz ya addy or skribble bk xx
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jmc28 wrote...  
heyyy xx u been ok babe x
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big_dave01 wrote...  
lookin hot!x
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southerneddie wrote...  
hey ya missy, how r things with you? really liking your profile, great pics :) xx
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jmc28 wrote...  
u ok bbe wuu2 x
can i call x
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jmc28 wrote...  
hey hun x wuu2 x can a txt x
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..:Hayleys Photos:..
11 photos
Favorite Things

Jelly && Icecream Or Rice krispies Haha.

I like all types.. Good Mixture Really.

TV Show
Best thing on telly is..Shameless :D

I Read True Life Stories - Mainly Sad Ones!

Edward scissor hands, The bodyguard, Dirty Dancin

None they all smell..Lol.- Even My Lil Pup Ed.

Words cannot describe & my beautiful GrandmaR.I.P

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In the arms of someone who loves Uu..Its amazin

Laptop.. Cred Card.. Most Importantly my slippers


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