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looking for Christian girl
Name: David Anthony
Details: 42 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Newark , California (Bay Area), USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jotarou
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dont laugh!!! i look like a fuck!!
uggh i look horrible in this one
Laina and David
In my own words

I'm working two jobs right now, and going to school full time. I like rock music, some punk, i live in the bay area, good girlfriends are really hard to find..especially a Christian one..but..we'll see. AIM: Jotarou
Yahoo IM: axl_rose94080
MSN: [email protected]
oh..tha ts just too much = P No no..screw that...u take that mop..and u put it in my mouth...dammit!! put that F'n mop..in my f'n mouth!!! (inside joke)

*** PLEASE only message me if u have a picture on profile, thank you.

If you have Jesus Christ, then you have CONFIDENCE in the day of judgement. Jesus will be your advocate (defense lawyer), and u will never see death. He paid your debt, and set you free, all u have to do is accept that.

If u do not have Christ, you willfully reject the work on the cross, and think that u are ambivalent, or that it doesnt matter in your life, then...your doom slumbers not. The second death awaits u.
If I was a Millionaire...

I take quick action and fund Christian missionary trips all over the world. Send ppl out to teach the word of God. I'd help to take this world by the short hairs, and make an impact for the kingdom of Jesus Christ, while there is still time left. oooo..didnt expect that now did ya? = P
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Favorite Things

none I can think of...quice` is good

Rock n Roll (Guns n Roses)

TV Show
WWE...I dont watch much TV, no time.

J.R.R. Tolkein, Lord of the Rings

Fight Club

Night Club / Bar
a bunch of them in San Francisco

someday i'd like a pet monkey

none come to mind, i hate eveyone equally...j/k

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anywhere but work or school

protein powder...gotta love it


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