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Bit of a non-conformist and individualist perhaps, but very social and easy to get on with.
Name: John
Details: 45 years old (Gemini), Male, In Relationship, Gay
Location: Port Jefferson, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jvc516
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Faceparty's own Identi-kit image of me! :-D
March 6th, 2003: My SmuggMugg
02-23-03: My
February 10, 2003: Just a bit of webcam fun.
In my own words

Hey everybody, I'm John and I live in NY. Feel free to say hello, anybody, any age, any location. I'm quite approachable and quite friendly. Ignore whatever the age says, I change it to run the gamut from 19 to 60 just to get a little time in every search engine. Anyway, I love music, TV sitcoms, travelling and making new friends. Hey, you can never have enough. I work in TV syndication and love it. I enjoy witty and sharp, sarcastic humour. My other profile is www.faceparty.com/4EverJs. I'm also on www.face - pic.com/jvc516 (with no spaces). I don't drink or do drugs. Yep, a real dullard! But hey, that's just me. Thanks for stopping. Now, drop me a note! :-) x
My Mum Says...

"Oh Johnny, what'll the neighbours think?"
My father always said: "Oh for Christ's sake John. Don't you have anything better to do than to go about town looking ridiculous"?!!
Or - both parents in unison: "You're not going out looking like THAT are you?"
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21 photos
Favorite Things

Pasta, Spicy, Cajun, Meats, Chinese, etc...

Varies: 50's thru Today. Rock, Pop, Josh singing.

TV Show
British QAF, Will & Grace, That 70s Show, Friends

None in particular. I'm not a dedicated reader.

Get Real, Splendor, Beautiful Thing, Lots more.

Night Club / Bar
Sorry, I don't drink. So, onward.

Dogs. Also 1 spike-collared blue-haired Josh!

Got a few. Probably most of my older friends.

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U.K. London, Cheltenham, Oxford and more.

Just all of my great memories.


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