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Name: mary
Details: 36 years old (Virgo), Female, Married, Straight
Location: baltimore co., Maryland
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/nightinggale
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In my own words

i'm a laid back person. i always speak my mind and often get in trouble for it. so don't ever ask me something that your not willing to here me out on. i'm a very verse person. i like painting drawing opera history reading learning knitting needle point hocky mud bogs funny movies classic novles historic novels. right now i'm learning japanese. i also have a temper. i'm told i'm hard headed. this is my reply. every one sees things different i just happen to always be right. but if i am not right it might take alot out of me and it might be a very fast hard to hear sorry but i will tell you i was in the wrong. i like to joke alot. the harder the time i give you the more i like you so....just give it back. i like a good sparing partner. well. well i think that's it about me
The Meaning Of Life...

what ever you want it to be all ya gotta do is make it work

always have a little child in you.

rule your own life.

know your enmeys and be as there friends

life is one step and a time

remember there is always one person out there to love you. you might just not have met them

that's some things some one tole me and i thank her every day for it, but life in my own eyes

every man makes his own path and at the end of every night he has to work it
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Favorite Things

aslong as it's not sick like liver

any thing that sounds good but you can keep metal

TV Show
lost. i also like anime i know i'm a geek

haliey e. garwood and some others

actions,funny, chick flick ever now and then

Night Club / Bar
you can drink and dance at home


god & my gt.gran may she rest in peace

seen many places scotlands the most beautiful

right now learning japanese


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