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Hey people! I'm bored, talk to me already!!!
Name: Melissa
Details: 40 years old (Taurus), Female, Married, Open Minded
Location: Texas, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/raver-princess
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In my own words

I am a bit shy and I am [almost] always nice. I also have a myspace, so if you wanna hit me up there, just ask for my screen name! I'm pretty sweet, and I always answer my messages. I'm definitely not single though, so don't get the wrong idea! I might flirt a bit, but nothing too bad [and just because I'm comforable showing some skin in my pics doesn't mean I wanna cyber, so get a life!]. If you actually wanna talk, message me already, k?
My Pet Hate...

I can't stand judgemental people.
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23 photos
Favorite Things

Tex-Mex and Italian.

Techno, Trance, Oldies, Rock, Classical....

TV Show
anything on the History Channel

Mary Downing Hahn

'Amadeus', pretty much any historical movie.

Night Club / Bar
The Lizard Lounge, Dallas, Tx

Cat (I have two of them). I'm a big animal lover

My hubby, my parents, and my friends.

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The beach or the mall ( I am a shop-o-holic)

clothes and makeup.


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