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Dunno what to put here lol...
Name: Richard
Details: 37 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Essex, the one and only!!!, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/richy-boy
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Me and my boyz
In my own words

i work long and hard so im often in the pub destressing lol. Just moved out to Wickford which is cool, gotta do it some time!
love shoppin when i have the dollar.

If you think life is bad... How would you like to be an egg? You only get laid once. You only get eaten once. It takes 4 minutes to get hard. Only 2 minutes to get soft. You share your box with 11 other guys. But worst of all. The only chick that ever sat on your face was your mother. So cheer up... Your life aint that bad!!

Lookin to meet a potential boyf...offers please!
Prefer str8 actin ladz (like me) rather than queens (no offense, your just not my cuppa tea)!
My Pet Hate...

People who buy new shoes and leave the labels on the bottom, you can see it when they walk and it REALLY annoys me!
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Favorite Things

cheese, salami or pepperoni

RnB, garage, hip-hop and some dance

TV Show
Nothin in particular

J K Rowling (yeah i know, Harry Potter)!

Martial arts films (kill bill etc) + comedies

Night Club / Bar
Blue Boar (the best in Billericay)

My cat Bonnie

my mum :-)

Im quite at home in the bathroom, dunno why lol



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