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Name: samantharomohr
Details: 36 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: MIdland Ohio, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/samantharomohr
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In my own words

I'm 20 years old, I was born in Kettering Ohio, I've lived in Blanchester/Midland Ohio all my life. I'm sometimes a shy person until I get to know you. I still live with my mom, I moved out at one point but got totaly screwed over by some of my friends and moved out. I have Rhuematiod Arthritis, Fybromyalgia, and other medical problems. I'm applying for Social Security, but have to have a hearing god knows when that will be it could be years from now. I don't have a drivers licence cause I don't wanna take the driving test...lol...I'm afraid I'll fail, and sometimes it hurts to drive, I tense up...I'll get it eventually. When I was little I lived on a farm so I'm sorta a farm girl, I'm not scared of that much, I've become more of a girly girl since I got a boyfriend. I used to be very independant, very mecanicly inclined, I still am I just don't put it into good use anymore...I've only been in love once. I've had other people I've been
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Pop, Country, Rock

TV Show
Family Guy, Roseanne, Dog, Gene Simmons,



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