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Name: kali
Details: 35 years old (Aries), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: CA, North Carolina
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/spastic_fairie
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In my own words

I'm the type of girl who will burst out laughing in dead silence because of something that happened yesterday! I'm a very artistic person. I love all types of art, painting, theater, music, photography, dance, body art....you name it! Tattoos and Piercings are amazing and I love them! I believe anything is possible. I enjoy simple little things in life like stopping to smell some flowers, rubber duckies, the morning dew on the grass, the smell of rain, a beautiful sunset or sunrise, staring at the clouds and finding different things in them, shiny things, burning incense, watching the smoke from a cigarette spiral into the night sky, star gazing for hours, catching snowflakes on my tongue, you know just things that make me happy. I believe in fate. Things happen when they do for a reason, it's no accident. I believe you should always follow your heart no matter what it tells you! Well that's a little bit about me...
The Meaning Of Life...

To me life is just the beginning of your spirits forever. Basically this is just the first step. Yes your body will eventually die and decay however, your spirit will live on forever.
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Favorite Things

I love all kinds of music.

TV Show
70's show, True Blood, Family Guy, Adult Swim

Shakespere, Stephen King, Kim Elizabeth, and more

There are way too many to put here.

Night Club / Bar
Don't get me started lol.

Anything but bunnies. They creep me out.

I have a loyt of favorite places.

My dog, blowing bubbles, writing, taking pictures


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