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Name: Mark
Details: 38 years old (Aries), Male, Single, Straight
Location: W-S-M Somerset..., Avon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/stompalot
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In my own words

Taken me years to update the pictures this will have to wait!!
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blondey88 wrote...  
uve actually mentally created my perfect meal lol :D yay for u :D
mmm jaffa cakes :D whoo dont love them :D
not sure about dippin them in strongbow.. will ave to try that one hehe
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sassydarkhorse wrote...  
lol...ive been busy doing some tea cheeky... tell me a joke and put a smile on my sour face ive had a hard day and im feeling a little grumpy !
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daniharding wrote...  
well, I do like to 'live life to the max' so of course I wouldnt miss it. But then again, I am as supportive as a Primark bra, so its always good to have a back up plan ;-)
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brunette_cutie wrote...  
Hello! loads of people have commented on that, just so you know, i've changed it :) xxxx
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Metal, Indie,

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Family guy, South Park, Hereos

Munich, Seven, Matrix

TV, computer, bed.


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