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yeah I know I aint perfect but f u c k you, you aint either//
Name: Miss Lucifer
Details: 35 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Engaged, Bisexual
Location: notlob!, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/stripsleaze
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my beautiful boy <3
< 3 p i n k < 3
always wanted long hair lol
i *heart* this picture!
In my own words

i dont have any words...i shall steal urs instead *delves into ur mind* aha! erm...well wat can i say now? im nicely weird and i like the little things in life...being hugged, having my hair stroked *purrs*, finding random tomatoes in my biology folder, the toilets in bar:me, the words 'spongiam', 'straddle' and 'fornicate', seeing people fall over, eating Anna's hair...ya know, the usual =D oh, and for ur information im not a camwhore, i dont care whether ur male or female, im not gonna go on cam for ya, capice? ...ffs... also, who the hell thought that the side pony tail was a good idea? and if u hadnt noticed, i am *engaged*, which means im not actually lookin for ne1 else cept to talk to =)
My Pet Hate...

is those people who think reading is sad-just cause u dont have 2 brain cells to rub together doesnt mean u have to label those of us who DO + who CAN read,losers or geeks.If u ARE one of these plebs who cant read + u have written anything along those lines in ur favourite author bit,then the door is over there.Please use it or my boot will connect with ur illiterate backside :) oh-same applies to people who tlk lyk dis..christ,learn to spell u inbreds
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Favorite Things

chicken wrapped in candyfloss...yum!

so good its digusting

TV Show
*sigh* spongebob...

Melvin Burgess, Anne Rice + Terry Pratchett

spongebob! *bald bald bald MY EYES!!*....ahem...

Night Club / Bar
Via Fossa! its like a funhouse!

gary the snail rocks my world m/

all my smexy friendlings <3 and lee of course <33

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my bed...its niiiice and comfyterbul



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