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Tall,dark and handsome-ok probably not!!
Name: thomas
Details: 46 years old (Cancer), Male, Married, Straight
Location: St Helier, Jersey, Devon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/v-tachgeezer
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shreck (RIP)
mr squeeze having dinner
smudge playing dead
In my own words

Been out here a while and am settling in well! Ive put my profile in Devon as they didnt have a group for Channel Islands (I have asked that they do one!) Devon is where I originally come from. We have a number of pets and a baby on the way in october.
D/O in St John
Have just been promoted to Divisional Officer- am looking forward to this role very much. Mostly filling in all those meeting evenings-trying desperately to avoid our division from becomming a tea drinking den-thus losing potential new members. Training is very much my thing, so Ive been finding out what the members want in their programme-hopefully the answer to the question "What are we doing tonight?" will never be "I dont know"
In A Perfect World...

I would be driving a mark 1 WV golf GTI, Manchester United would decide to move Old Trafford brick by brick to Jersey (that empty land on Goose Green would do nicely- who needs more houses!!) I would also have a phonecall from Jeremy Clarkson begging me to be a presenter on Top Gear. I would also have a house big enough for a large python and a trainset-but I still wouldnt swap Claire!
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Favorite Things

Frog pie-only joking Claire!xxx

80s Disco/New Wave Synth

TV Show
Match of the Day, Six Nations, Top Gear

Roper, Logan and Tierney!!

Any James Bond Movie

Night Club / Bar
EJ S in Torquay

Snakes- and most other reptiles

Florence Nightingale and my little hunny

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St Ouen (5 mile road-vroom vroom!)

Anything railway model related


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