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Deal With It. Rock N' Roll
Name: Flux
Details: 36 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Lesbian
Location: Derby, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/_flux_
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In my own words

Mraw. Yes well, it seems there's a box waiting for me to fill in, i'll oblige but this is the last time dammit! >.<.
I'm a complete and utter g33k but i'm far more l33+ than you.
I like music, lots of it. I'm not writing a list but theres a myspace link down there if you want to get the jist.
Japan is my motherland, or it should be, I love everything Japanese.
I also like books. Books are good, i always carry about 3 around with me, you never know when you'll need one.
Comics? yes please. Johnen Vasquez is a god, alongside Roman Dirge.
I'm bored of this now.
My Best Day...

Well not really a day, but a year because of the AWESOME gigs i've been to in 2005/2006. listed in no particular order : Alanis Morrisette, Tori Amos, Queen Adreena, Nine Inch Nails, The Used, Le Tigre, GRAVYTRAIN!!! (ok, support for Le Tigre but still, VERY exciting for me) and last but not quite least Scarling. Who were suprisingly good :D. My Ruin for the 3rd time. The cooper temple clause and The Dresden Dolls. I missed out on Less than Jake though, which was sadtoth
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Favorite Things

Anything Vegetarian.

Angsty Lesbian Music Apparently - Techno, Grunge

TV Show
Invader Zim - Fruits Basket - Random T.v

Brett Easton Ellis:Stephen King:James St James

Party Monster:Battle Royale:GingerSnaps:Tank Girl

Night Club / Bar
First Floor, Bluenote, Union Blue, Jbs, Angels

Fishies That Go Pook. Rodents. Charlienuss <3

Amanda P, Bert M, KJG, Nick Cave, Rob Smiths Chin

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