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Punk As F u c k
Name: Al
Details: 37 years old, Male, Straight
Location: Manchester, UK, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/aladdin_sane
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Me On Stage With My Band
York-sherlock Holmes
Before I Cut My Hair - With My Old Band
My Band's First LP-Lay Off The Cutlery Shiva
In my own words

Well...I'm a student at Manchester Uni studying Philosophy. I like going to punk rock shows and performing with my band. I'm trying to be a writer, I'm pretty f u c k i n good at it too. I'm very interested in politics. I work part time in a workers co-operative cafe in Manchester and my biggest ambition is to be a professional troublemaker. Send me a message if you fancy a chat. I'm actually quite friendly :-)
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Wondered today about labels - the type people give themselves and others. I've been in enough bands to know that no one likes to pigeon-hole themselves into a genre, much less a subculture. I recently heard this opinion: "Yes you can stick yourself in one group or you can stop being so pathetic and realise that you like other sorts of music"- Anyone who thinks a punk only listens to punk, or an emo kid only to emo is probably an idiot. Surely it's worse when people say "I like loads of stuff".
If You Pay Me...

I *still* wouldn't buy an emo CD
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Favorite Things

Too busy to eat.

Punk, Riot Folk, Ska, Hard Rock

TV Show
Don't have a TV...All about the radio man

Damon Runyon, James Joyce, Noam Chomsky

A Clockwork Orange, Pulp Fiction

Night Club / Bar
Big Hands in Manchester

I Like People best

Anyone who agrees with me...

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On a stage performing/at my computer writing.

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