In my own words At The Fabulass age of 18!:D Im small Im tanned get bullied aba it ahh well eyy =D Got long black hair Big brown eyes Im a gymnast =D Im a qualified fitness instructor.. aerobics, circuit training & body conditioning instructor ohh yeaa <3 itt !!! x Am Me Self Around EveryOne & AnyOne! Can Be Toooo Loudddd Am Alwaysss On A Hypeeee Always Up 4 A Laff Jussst Like EnJoyinngg My Selfff... PARTTTYYYY HARDDDD I LOVVEEE DANCE music =D Love my fone those long fone calls n txting :D I Laugh At The Most Simpliest Thingss.. I Hateee People Who Pretend They Like You If You Dont Like Some One Why Pretend You Do ??? Hateeee Boaressss I Like To Be Diffrentt I Can Be Snotty sumtyms haha hu iznt tho =D Lovee meeeting new ppl tlk 2 every1 I Just Get On With My Life An Live It While I Can You OnLy LiVee OnCeee... Weekendss Derr Amazingggg Myy GirLsss Aree The oneee :D<3 Liveeee Forrr Myy My family r the best Want 2 kno mur message mee :D
My Best Day... ¤Goin 2 Portugal wif me Gymnastics Club 4 Great Britain Best Thing EVA!!¤¤¤¤ alsoo MAGALLUF 2008 WAS THE BESTT FIESTA JUNGLAA ALL THE WAY BABY!!! YU WOT YU WOT PUT A DONK ON ITTT . CYAZZ CHICKENN NUGGETSS X