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There is nothing neither good nor bad,but thinking makes it so
Name: Jenny
Details: 34 years old (Virgo), Female, Straight
Location: Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/diebymyhand
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In my own words

Just started a degree in English Lit. at York University, and met some pretty amazing people. The best things in life are: holding hands, laughing so hard no noise comes out anymore, jumping in puddles, books recommended by friends, finding something you thought you'd lost a long time ago, staying up until the early hours of the morning talking to someone fascinating, butterscotch angel delight, tulips, an amazing glass of red wine with a cigarette.
My Eternal Dilemma...

do some work, or guitar hero. Usually the latter
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degausser wrote...  
ah, someone else who appreciates a fine red wine. x
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Paramore,30STM,BrandN ew,Adele,Straylight,C &C

TV Show
LA Ink, Grand Designs (guilty pleasure)

Plath, Woolf, Bronte, Shakespeare, Sexton, Hughes

The Hours, Juno, Requiem for a Dream

Night Club / Bar
gigs is more me, Rock City?

manatees are the best. ever.

my Grandad is my absolute hero. Always will be

anywhere my friends are. Failing that, Toronto


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