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I am What I am
Name: Graham
Details: 34 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Tempo (home) - Liverpool (uni), Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/grahamww89
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In my own words

Well what can I say about myself that will excite you and won't make you wanna click back or the x at the top of the screen. I shall start, ok, my name would be Graham, however I can be called other things such as Whitehead, Huth, and of course other rude names, but this aint the place to say. I shall continue, I am currently 18 years old, and have spent my childhood growing up in the famous village of Tempo, however I am now at LJMU for PE teaching and its amazin, luvin it to bits, so far anyway. Its quite clear that I am into sport as I want to be a PE teacher, I play a little bit of football for Lisbellaw and love playing gaelic for Tempo Maguires. At present I am enjoying my life, have the best family I could ask for and of course the best friends ever; with random statements and random nights out that will never be forgotten, just started workin part-time for Liverpool FC in City Centre Store n luvin it so far.
If I was a Millionaire...

i wud be rich
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15 photos
Ski Holiday
7 photos
An Tiompu Mag Uidir
9 photos
Favorite Things

Pizza and loads other stuff

Anything really

TV Show
Punk'd, Friends,The OC, Supernatural etc.

Don't read unless have to

Superbad, Rocky, Green Street, American Pies

Night Club / Bar
Walkabot, Medication, Mood, Bush, Pats etc.

My Dog Casper

Everyone in my family

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My Bedroom (chill-out place)

My Fone and dog


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