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Cosmopolitan Charming Caledonian Craves Capers - Care 2 Capitulate?.
Name: Grant Hardy
Details: 55 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland., United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/granthardy
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Smile :D
Assume the Position
Close Encounters!
In my own words

Maxim for 2007 - 'Nothing in moderation. Everything to excess' .|. Must resist charitable impulses as no good deed goes rewarded .|.
'Semper Fi' - Always Faithful .|.
Temptation is the promise of excitement - Promises delivered .|.
'Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by those you did' Mark Twain .|. Often what you want to say has been said before - but better! .|. 'Many may walk into our hearts but only true friends leave footprints' .|. You can tell a lot about a person by what they put in their mouth - hungry? .|. 'Cellar Door' .|. Currently flirting with the fetish scene - sticks and stones may break your bones but do chains and whips excite you? .|. 'Assume the position' .|. Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die tomorrow. - James Dean. .|. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear
If You Pay Me...

I would tease and please, tempt, provoke and satisfy.
I would try anything except nude Morris dancing or naked extreme ironing (once scalded - twice shy)!!:D
The pages I've turned are the lessons I've learned - welcome to my living dream.:P
Well done if you have managed to stay to the end. I can guarantee that those brides-in-waiting from Nigeria, Gambia, Russia, gays looking for straights or young girls attempting to sell their underwear will not have got this far
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rubbermonkey wrote...  
hi babe its good to know your still on this site!!! hope 2 hear from u soon xx
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Favorite Things

Italian, Thai, Mexican, Witchery, The Tow

Faithless, Zero 7, Staind, Nick Cave, Gatecra

TV Show
ER, The Bill, West Wing, Never Mind the Buzzco

Iain Banks, Paul Johnston, Mallory

Baise-Moi, 25th Hr, Snake of June, Complicity

Night Club / Bar
Massa, Opal Lounge, Ricks, Centraal, Espionag

Panther (strong, sexy and sleek).

Machiavelli, Morven Christie, Belladonna.

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Hong Kong, Ullapool, Paris, NY

Camera, Mental A(g/b)ilities, iPod


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