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Pina Colada anyone??
Name: Jacklyn
Details: 35 years old (Capricorn), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Stenhousemuir, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jacklyn
In my own words

hey hey hey ok so first things first get the hello's out the way so hiya to ma girlies (lauren...lesley-anne...chloe...a nd everyone else) ok so a bit about me now...well i'll be honest im silly at times can cheer people up when feeling down...i love music being with ma girlies generally having a good time...hate guys that lead you on then dump you(you kno who you are) thats the main stuff but anything else u wanna kno just drop me a line i wont bite unless u ask tee hee laterz
My Funniest Moment...

when i was in the bar workin wiv chloe a song came on and she didnt kno it....i said how can u not kno this its bryan adams best song!!!....the dj then said and that was a bit of meatloaf for you there!! what a beamer never lived it down lol told u i was thick
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babymakaveli wrote...  
if you
were a wine label it would read something like this....full bodied,powerful and fruity
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Favorite Things

pasta my fav :) or anything wiv cheese

indie rnb punk lol not fussy

TV Show
hollyoaks, charmed, heros,

Tony Parsons

edward scissor hands, over the hedge,armageddon!!

Night Club / Bar
Spoons or firkins lol cheap drinks all round

my dog hes so cute lol his names sam!

ma girlies

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my bed!! uber comfy! and room for 2 ;)

my mobile! its always with me (even at work ssh!)


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