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Name: Jessyyyyyy
Details: 33 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Space, Cleveland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jessica__j
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In my own words

Call me Jess. I am a 21 year old Sicilian and i moved over to the north east of England at the age of six, meaning my first language is Italian. I am an art nerd and anything victiorian gothic is also radical for me. For these two reasons I have came to the conclusion that I would be terrible to live with. I'm studying an art degree and someday I want to teach and inspire young people through art and help them be confident with expressing themselves. I would say I'm very ambitious, but there are some days when I just want to slouch on my sofa and eat ice-cream whilst playing the xbox all day. Anyway, if you are genuinely interested in getting to know more message me and I will give you my hotmail address and I occassionally add people to my Facebook account but ask me first!
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Favorite Things

Strawberries&chocolat e

BRMC,Radiohead,Muse,N irvana

TV Show

Emile Bronte/Mary Shelley/Bram Stoker

Horror/Edward Scissor Hands

A bat or a cat




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