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Name: Jacob Head
Details: 35 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Grimsby / Durham Uni, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jtcgh
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In my own words

I'm currently studying Natural Sciences at Durham University. I'm a second year physics/chemistry student hybrid, who works as a texpert in the holidays.
I've loved, I've lost.
I'm wierd, to say the least. More accurately, I'm something of an odd-ball geek.
I try hard to be an individual... I refuse to be told how to act and think by society.
I don't drink because I reject the entire 'get drunk' culture which seems to have taken over the country, and I prefer to type in full sentances rather than broken english with far too few vowels.
I'm very shy, and gloomy, but I've been trying to be positive more.
In terms of what I like to do...
I write and make stuff on deviantArt like a few comics and emoticons, I play violin, I read, I play and make games and I listen to music.
In A Perfect World...

Everyone would think for themselves, rather than thinking what they're expected to think. To make their own choices without listening to the lies, half-truths and contradictions of the media and society at large and forge their own destiny. People would accept that some people's opinions differ from their own, and neither is better than the other, and by the same token, no one person or group is superior to any other.
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Favorite Things

Chilli, Kettle's Crisps

Punk/rock, acoustic, indie, random other things

TV Show
Naruto, FMA, Scrubs, Bleach, Heroes

R.A Salvatore, Paul S Kemp

Equilibrium, Donnie Darko, Princess Mononoke

Rabbits, ducks or tiny kittens

Show me kindness, and care. It will be you.

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Certain places in Wales

The sky at night


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