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erm blonde!! :-P
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untitled wrote
hmmm intresting.... aint been on here since 2007....facebook has taken over... lol i remember being on here like all the time, im surprised my profile is still up and running actually, and im now classed as an old skool member hahaha how cool.... lol feeling a bit old now though, but i use to love it on here, god i met a few randoms on here.
helloooo!! wrote
hello again, well its the end of a good weekend, me n claire have decided to car share, which means its cheaper for us both... so ive been driving everywhere! lol.... me n my angel, have been together over a year now! woohoo.... it feels so much longer, but im loving every minuite of every day!!! :-) wooop
WOHOOOO!!!! i passed my driving test first time!!!! YAY all i gotta do now is get a car an insurance! lol.... love ya all.... godbless granma n thankya! xxxx
hmm... wrote
hello people! i got my driving test tomorrow, im really nervous, i know i'll fail, but hey, as soon as i pass im gonna come down to norwich and see ya all! have a good night out, obviously not drinking thou! lol.... feeling quite down at the mo, i blame the weather, and the blob! lol.... any ways.... speak to ya all soon... love youall... and i love you baby! mwahhh xxx
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