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it's times like these that you really know who your friends are
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lazy day wrote
hmmm its sunday, nice weather yet im bored shitless! ive started workin on obscure tangents now like if i unscrew my naval with my bottom fall off? ne ideas?
yay wrote
yay the busy boozy time of year! got xmas partys comin up training courses and of corse xmas. really i should start buying me pressies :D
excitement building wrote
going back to the bay tomoro!! yay i cant wait onli simple day 3 hours of boredom then a visit to physio to sort out me neck and 5 hours on a packed train full of old people that sell of piss, somehow i am convinced that i will be relieved to arrive in dearest old paignton!!
busy bee wrote
fucking woke up at 9, in lecture for ten then working for 3 hours on a presentation i have no idea about then into the doctors for two hours before goin to a pharmacist half hour away to get painkillers and sort out a hospital appointment then having to come home to get tea on the go and now... well a night full of emailing peole writing reports and mre presentation, why cant i just have a fucking break!!!! lol
wierd day wrote
hmmmm first wake up not hanging after an amazing nite last nite in tiger, then found out someone who is trying to shit stir between me and my friend, its so pathetic then i started drinking my whiskey oh and set up facebook so i can get fotos from last nite but they aint up yet grrrr.... lets hope tomoz is betta!!
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