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Tall, Blue eyed & Laid back
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Christmas Blues wrote
Hey guys and girls. Well it's been sometime since i was properly on here. But i shall be coming back online soon, as soon as the skint month is over LOL. I have a new puppy and kitty since last time. Done my first bit of down hill skiing in January last year hence the photo's. Wow so much has happened i just don't think it'll fit. Hope to talk to you all again soon!!!
Hey guys & girls. Well tomoro depends on me future now i guess. Got a working interview for a consultancy firm, so fingers crossed i'll be sorted if not there's a few other bidders still. Almost got rid of me flat yay! Then i can properly get my life in order! Oh yeah high to lilac cream and tipsy claire good to talk to you guys again. To puppy congrats on your new arrival we'll catch up soon! To all the other guys and girls i'm starting to be online more again. Well no more room till next time!
Well i'm here once more, life is spanning out quite differently to what i expected so, just going to have to watch this space. As for whats going on working in Accounts for a shipping firm, still going well with me girly! Looking forward to August where we run away to Antigua. Hmm What else is going on... Well still hoping to get myself off the ground and cut away the dead wood which tries to hang on.
I'll get there in the end... Till next time peeps! Oh and message me when you get chance!
Happy new year people!!! I know i haven't been on much recently. It has been hectic. My trainings going up a notch as i haven't got long to the big day. Got me train tickets so fingers crossed. Working at a warehouse at the mo. Boring but it pays... To Natalie, great news congrats! To everyone else you got me number, welcome to call or text but got no credit for texting back at the moment. As soon as i have some new news i'll get it on here!
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