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mum of 4 wonderful kids & a girlfriend of a wonderful guy xxxx
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mothers wrote
From the earliest stages of our growth, we are completely dependant upon our mother's care and it is very important for us that she expresses her love. If children do not receive the proper affection, in later life they will often find it hard to love others.... mum's and dad's take note please lets not take the precious gift of love out of this world their is enough hate here already....

take care be safe and most of all be happy and in love

Loz xxx
Soul Mates wrote
When Soul Mates meet they dont have to hear what is coming out of each others mouths for they have already heard it in their hearts and minds. To them when they connect at that 1st moment it's as if they are in the throws of passion, this never leaves them. When they are apart their souls are together and know how each other are feeling, when they are apart they have a sensation that something isnt there yet a more powerful togetherness holds them.Their Love life is never dull it's Sheer Bliss.
Life wrote
Never give up on finding that special someone. You will know it when you find them i promise you i have seen it.... There is such a thing as 2 people being soul mates and when the finally meet nothing on this earth can stop them being in Love... Love can be seen in many different ways you have Love that grows,Love at 1st sight, then you have just physical Love where you need to be in the throws of passion to feel it.
Life wrote
Our Lives should be cherished and everyday is a learning curve good or bad it's up to us to decide which it should be. We should take even the bad times as a positive as this is how we learn how each of us feel and react. Take control of your life dont let life control you. You are You never change for anyone.... Loz xxx
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