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Going green wrote
So i have joined in. I have gone green. over the last year i have gradulay changed almost everything i do, all of my bad habbits. I am now a green expert! lol. I started off by just doing recycling, I mean what else do i need to do? but over the year i have changed everything. Im lucky enough to have a huge garden and a very strong man to help. I have a compost heap at the end of the garden and we have just started to mulch the side bed ready to plant vegies early next year.
Going green 2 wrote
how awsome would supplying your own vegies for crimbo be! Around the home is pretty simple, little things like only boiling enough water, turning off switches when not in use, recycling every single thing from food, clothes, bags to energy. Its got alot easyer as i have gone on. It has become force of habbit now. like supporting local produce, not putting fruit and veg in bags when you get it from the grosers. I suppose you get a great sence of importance out of doinging it. I love my life styl
Going green 3 wrote
we still have so many little products in the pipe line eg; turning my out building in to a laundry room and getting sola pannels to power that one room. Which is almost done. We are tottaly landscaping the garden. Always using old bits and peices found or salvaged. Im not trying to sell the whole energy, eco thing to any one i just want to make people aware of how easy it is to make change. The smallest little things make a huge diffrence! thanks for reading please leave me a comment even if it
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