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God save the Queen wrote
I saw the Queen today.It wasn't a planned meeting obviously - I was just standing at the side of the road waiting to cross when, most unexpectedly, her car glided past. She was looking out the window and there was a bizarre split second when we were facing each other with only yards between us! I'm pretty sure I must have had a very startled, bloody-hell-it's-the-queen! type expression on my face. She had a wee smile to herself so she obviously appreciated the comedy moment. Good on you, ma'am!
My morning prostitute wrote
Her hair is big, wild and blonde but despite it being such a striking feature it's always her outfit that catches the eye. Every single day, rain or shine, she wears this white cotton summer dress number. Just so you know, the dress is very tight, very, very short and is also obscenely see-through. When you first set eyes on it you are filled with a mixture of horror and fascination. I quite like to walk behind her just so I can see the OhmyGod!! look on people's faces as they approach head-on.
Last night in the pub some friends and I were discussing the attractiveness of the dimples some girls have on their lower back. Some of the others said they were completely unaware of back dimples or, even worse, were indifferent towards them. I was amazed because I love them....and as far as I'm concerned, the more pronounced they are the better! I tried to explain that they are quirky, cool and very, very sexy. My friends just think I'm a bit weird.
Well, that's me back from Rio. What a place! It's a dirty, beautiful, exciting, scary city and I loved it! Managed to explore the city without getting robbed, which is something of an achievement. By the way, South American kids really do use the phrase, "Hey Gringo!". Cool! Expected that to be a myth.
Had another visit from the Old Hag last week. It's been quite a while since our last encounter so I'd almost forgotten how unpleasant she can be. Anyway, she was up to her usual tricks: crept around my bed...breathed threats in my ear...crushed my chest. As usual I managed to fight her off but no doubt she'll be back for more soon enough. You would think she'd get bored of the same old routine....
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