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misses my bf....so any attempt to put a smile on my face, much appreciated!!
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U DUMBOS still aint getting it!! wrote
ok im not a horrible ppl but some ppl are getting on my last nerve!!!! u all obviously didnt read the last blog entry did ya now!! lol

stop trying to b linked buddies with me!!! if i wana b ur friend il let ya no!!

dont get me wrong iv met some wicked ppl on here but theres a collection of freeks that try and add me as a friend every single day and iv never spoken to them bfore!!

get a life lol oh god now i sound like a rite bitch!!!! :-(

il start naming and shaming if ya weirdos d
untitled wrote
rites peeps now lets b honest, one thing thats really bugs me!

y do u think im add ya as a friend automatically and u havent even sent me a msg??

i dnt wana b friends with ppl i dntno do i???

so next time u repeatedly try an b linked buddies with me, and i keep deleting ur ur requests repeately get the msg that i dnt just add peeps to get my numbers up!!

im not tryin to scare peeps off im all for making new friends just send me a msg first!!! lol

rant over xxxx mwah
Pc Spank!! wrote
arrr went out as a police and convicts!!!! sooo much fun was hammered aswel!!

loved my police outfit! let me know if u saw me in town!!!??? xx
fakes!!! wrote
its just occured to me how many fakes there are on this site!! thats so shady of anyone to do that type of thing, u rip offs lol

i just did a browse and 2 profiles come up alongside eachother with exactly the same pic blatenly of some model, which they aint obviously!!! wat perves and just so some girls will give u there addy and u can harass them online!!

just weird lol xxx
bday!!! wrote
wel its my bday on sunday so cant wait to go to london on sat with the girley troops!!!!

im feeling people arent cheeky enough on here, so if ur thinking something just say it!! lol wink wink

anyways adios mwah xx
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