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Easy goin lad living life 2 the full always up 4 fun! any takers in the area? ;-)
Name: Lee
Details: 34 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/navyboi_06
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me posing lol!
In my own words

ok, im an eazy goin str8 acting lad who gets on with most people.I love socializing and want 2 meet like minded people for friendship and for fun - i dnt rlly like goin out on the gay scene that much as I prefer the str8 scene culture.Also nobody over 28 pls and if u havn't got a pic of your face, dont bother - sorry guys! so if you like the sound of me and have similiar interests msg me coz wuld love 2 hear from ya! oh yeh and please rate me if u can be arsed and i'l rate ya back - cheerz ;-) x x
In A Perfect World...

There would be long lasting peace and happiness in the world where everyone would get along despite their differences and free from prejudists and judgmental people. Also there would be no more poverty and an equal amount of food, water and money to go around.... wishfull thinking, I know....lol
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
barcode_boye wrote...  
How's it hanging mate.. [email protected]
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rich0606 wrote...  
alrite mate, im in hemel always up for a laugh..
usmell666@hotmail .com
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iamtotallysexy2008 wrote...  
hey babes hw u???? ur cute! message me xxxx
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lilkristian wrote...  
u iz a cutie xxxx
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boowantsyou wrote...  
ur relli cute x
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overdue_overkil wrote...  
pretty hot mate
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Favorite Things

chinese, mexican oh and roast dinners... yum!!

dance, trance, house,cheese and commercial stuff!

I'l hav 2 cum back 2 u on that one! lol

2 fast 2 furious, Divinci code, borat, james bond

Night Club / Bar
heaven, honeyclub and beach, creation, destiny..

me grrrr.... ;-)

my best mates... (i don't have jst one person)

Brighton & Paris ...oh & ma bed ;)

My fone and me tunes....


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