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Scouse lad moved to Stoke
Name: Pete
Details: 42 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Liverpool / Newcastle-under-Lyme, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/pedrovegas
Recent photos14 photos | view all
Melissa & Rebecca (my cousins) with Rosie the dog
The palace i've built for Rosie
Me and my mate Kelly
In my own words

Hey there all! I'm Pete. Joined here to meet new people in a new area to me, so that my social calender is not a decision between my mates back home in Liverpool (who are all busy with their partners), and my work colleages, of which, i spend to much time with already! I'd be lying if i said i didn't wanna meet a special someone... the trouble is, I prefer to get to know someone, rather than just go on the pull in clubs... when i go out, prefer having a laugh with mates, and enjoyin myself, rather than scouting for birds who aint gold diggers!
In my experience, they're never any good, cos it's a relationship based on just looks, not personality!
I'm the type of guy who loves chatting on the phone (for hours, ha!) and I enjot shopping... just as long as it's no just the girl shopping, in a hour shopping day, i need 30 mins, ha! Anyway, i'm genuine, so if you are, get in touch!
Blog 2 posts | view all
My Dog is named!
In the end, my cousins named my yorkie. She is Rosie. Cousins pic added in gallery.
Melissa and Rebecca, love ya! x
This Week's Plan...

...Is to get to know you!!! lol! To look on the positive side, i'm healthy, rich (haha), and have a lot to offer a girl, so remember, the right gal will come along!
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angelicstare wrote...  
*steals sexy scouse man*
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New Doggie!.... Now named Rosie (after my nan
5 photos
Photos of me
5 photos
Photos from my mobile...
4 photos
Favorite Things

Chinese, Pasta, Pizza, roast dinners

The View, Maroon 5, Razorlight, ALL!

TV Show
Hollyoaks, Prison Break, Lost, Top Gear

Bill Shankly... Quotes, not books!

Bad Boys, Butterfly Effect

Night Club / Bar
Exchange (Liverpool)

My Yorkie!

Wish I know, But haven't found them yet!

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Italy. and Liverpool, I miss home!

My house, and my guitar (i'm learning)


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