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Shite! Is this all really worth the effort???
Name: PeterPiper777
Details: 67 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Cookstown/planet Earth (well some of the time, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/peterpiper777
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In my own words

Seeking someone whom I can be 100% myself with and allow her to be the same??? A FRIEND plus++++ Maybe even 'The One'???xXx
The past is past. The future, is a mystery, right now, is where its happening, That's why it's called the 'present'!!! :)
Just remember, If you want to suckseed in this 'life', then become a budgerygar;))
And if yah throw enough shite at the wall. Some of it is bound to stick:)
In A Perfect World...

I would be surfing in Hawaii. With the Leare jet parked at the airport.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-Hz0Ad3TUU&mode = related&search=les%20dawson
Treat with the respect you expect. Don't critisize, we can all only play the 'hand' we were dealt in the manner that seems 'appropriate' to us at the time. None of us have any right to critisise another for doing the same.
Live each day as though it is your last. None of us are immortal in this 'plane'.
Any fool can fly
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Favorite Things

Sometimes - varied. Wine (yes please) red or whit

Eels, David Gray, 70's 90s etc

TV Show
Lifes to short. Live it rather than watch it :)

Varied. Don't read much nowadays. used to a lot

Last of the Mohicans, Air America, Braveheart etc

Night Club / Bar
Not keen :) You go, I'll defrost the fridge ;)

If you want me to be, maybe;)~?

My Son

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Drifting on the warm dark sea of infinity:)

??? What thing ??? OH, that 'thing' ;)


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