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Life's a game and I'll be who I want, you say I'm a b*tch like its a bad thing!!!
Name: Sarahjane Allen
Details: 38 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Runcorn Cheshire/Near Liverpool, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sassysaz01
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Cath and Ant (Awwwww)
Out On The Tiles
Yay My Face On Money
Me And Matt
In my own words

I'm a girl who knows what she wants outta life and there's no way I'll be intimidated, you wanna girl who has more than just a fiesty side then msg me sometime! I don't let people control me no more and I gotta a lot of pent up energy which I like to use to my advantage on the dancefloor, you think you can keep up then let me see you try :-)
Hi to all my peeps I love ya's all guys keep on rockin!
Hey to mummy dearest LEGGS_AHOY, bro WkdWill(MWAH) xxxx and sis angel-is-online big kiss from ya lil sis Also big hey hey hey to my mates, big-gob luv ya loads honey keep it cool, venusangel1 mwah hey girl, LOUD-LOZZ love ya loads beautiful, chrisbuk big star and great mate and my lil-big bro (not real bro) skater_boi_666, alomar bezzie mate luv you lots and wotdyamean kisses chick!

Well as of today I am officially 21, so me thinks that this is a good enough excuse to go out and get sloshed over the weekend which lets face it can be pretty fun. Had a nice meal on the Saturday which saw most of my family drunk, but then I don't think I'd have had as much of a laugh if they weren't. So today I plan to shop till I drop, get something nice to eat and then have a drink!!! Only the one mind :)
My Pet Hate...

People who want you to be something your not, you don't like the original then don't even bother, what's the point of trying to get someone to like something that doesn't exhist?
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Into it all anything I can move my body to hehe

TV Show
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Red Dwarf (boss)/Angel!

Stephen King

Interview with a Vampire (phwar Brad n Tom mmmm)

Night Club / Bar
Rubbersole/Krea/Rockworld/Garl ands

My dog Lady (my little floozy babes lol)

Mum (yes I'm a mummy's girl, check her out)

Hmmmm have to be my bed lol

Lipgloss (don't ask its a girl thing lol)


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