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If ur a bloke and want to get in my knickers, u should know they're Granny pants!!!!
Name: Shelley
Details: 37 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Hertfordshire, Borehamwood, Uni: Hatfield, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/shelfox86
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Going out tonight!
Easter photoshoot
Wheres amy going?
VK cherry lips
In my own words

Im a mad, yet intelligent (ish) brunette. I study microbiology at Herts uni (white coat and safety goggles - v nice lol), Im at the college lane campus in Hatfield (font bar, oh yeah!). Although I'm on placement at Roche Pharmacuticals this year. (Animal Rights protesters need not message)
I love my friends (because they're as nuts as me!) and I HATE arrogant people and grey skies.
MY to do list: See phantom of the opera in the westend, test drive a black DB9 on the topgear track, hot air ballooning, sky diving, sailing on a lake in a row boat - don't ask me why . . . Hmm there's a lot I've never done! Lol who's been rating me as a Miss Terry gender? Just call me Nigel. Well offended! Being a bearded transvestite with a peg leg is so hard in this world. I'm going back to mars!
In A Perfect World...

I'd buy an aston martin DB9 convertable in black (look I like my DB9's) and buy loads of clothes and then share the wealth! lol Possibly buy a small county Danny Wallace style. This of cause assuming that I have any money left after buying shoes and handbags. Did I mention I'd buy a DB9 convertable? Obsessed? Moi? Never. Until then however I've decided to set up the Shelley Marie Charitable trust. All donations go towards a DB9. Get pledging! lol
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Favorite Things

Killers, Greenday, Fallout boy, Panic!

TV Show
LOST, top gear, Alias, That 70s show, 4400

Arther Golden, Phillip Pullman, Marian Keys

Phantom of the Opera,

Night Club / Bar
Batchwood, Destiny, Hammersmith

Ummm can't I have a fav bacteria? . .Pseudomonas!

Fletch, Kat and Amy (best buds ever!)

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Tower bridge at night (its so prett

That DB9 that I don't have (sob)


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