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Name: Tiffany
Details: 34 years old (Taurus), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Hell, Virginia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/silvertears07
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me yea right before a wedding
i will always love him................
In my own words

love what does that word really mean...I guess people have their own definition of what that word means....some people see it as just another thing that will hurt you in the end and they just completely give up on it...but that is one thing that I don't think you should do. There is a special person out there for everyone, you just have to look and when you find it yes you will go through pain and a little heartbreak but if you know that you are truly in love don't let that go you need to hold on to it and don't let it slip away. When that person that im in love with comes around I just get this feeling I just get really happy and I cant help but smile and when I know that im going to see him I get so excited....I dunno sometimes when I think about it I start to cry because it makes me so happy I mean yea there are bad times but most of the time its really good....but yea love to me is not just a word its more of a feeling....and I don'
In A Perfect World...

you get to spend the rest of your life with the one you love and no1 would get in the way...
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I dunno

Any rock bands

TV Show

The Notebook

Dogs (like chris' dog harley)

Tiffany, Tabby, Yasmen, Sarah, CHRIS

In chris' arms...I love you so much

...hehehe....i dunno


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