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moving to york from june
Name: izzy (isabel)
Details: 38 years old (Leo), Male, In Relationship, Gay
Location: york, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/stripedlight
Recent photos21 photos | view all
finished power coat illustraitons 2008
illustration work
illustration work
evolved coat back
In my own words

hi i'm izzy, i try to look on the bright side of life, and be happy (i try but it doesn't alway work) i focus on little simple things we do all the time in life the recgonise how good it is we can do them... like drinking tea (i drink a lot of tea, its my only vice).i dont like fakeness, and patheticness and niaveness really anger me, especially when its put on, however i'm a big believer in respect and i get really angry interanlly when i see people vandalising things or being ignorant to others, what annoys me more is when they act like a victim when someone says something. i beleive if we all respected each other the world would be better place.
i'm a big believer in love and think that love is one of the most important things, but i also believe that just because two people love each other sometimes its better for them both not to be with each other.
i'd really love to meet some new people and hopefully oneday a man :)
In A Perfect World...

your first love would have worked out, you wouldn't get spots and no matter what you did you'd always look fabulous
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3 photos
tweed fetish work 2007
5 photos
power coat collection 2008
10 photos
Favorite Things

short grain brown rice, peppers, i only eat vegan

you have to be able to sing to it in your head

TV Show
gimme gimme gimme, simpsons, futurama

terry prachet,

the crying game, death becomes her,

Night Club / Bar
haven't been out in ages!

dog, rat, ferret. punk boy :P

still looking for one of them,

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workshops in uni

my big tea mug


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