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Je suis prisionnier de ton regarde, de ton sourire
Name: Evan
Details: 35 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Nowheretown, Missouri, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/eviani6
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In my own words

What is there to say? I moved to this hick town a decade ago and I can't wait to leave. Being a person of general culture and intellect, I LOATHE being away from civilization and living among "confederates," or so they think they are.
I am a junior at Weaubleau High School. I love languages and I am a German tutor. I also love art and ...hell i like a lot of things.

Just add me already:

evian_coyane6@hotmail .com
In A Perfect World...

A perfect world would be unable to be classfied. In a perfect world, there would be no imperfections of which to compare the idea of "perfection," thus in a perfect world, just as in this world, there would be no such thing.
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4 photos
Favorite Things

I heart food! I'm not very picky...

In-Grid, Shakira, Black Eyed Peas, Bublé,

TV Show
Will and Grace

Several! I love books

Saved, Hotel Rwanda, Amélie, The Interpreter

Night Club / Bar
sorry boys, a bit too young

The Anti-George Bush

My cell phone


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