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Name: the_patient_mental
Details: 33 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Gilchrist, Oregon
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/the_patient_mental
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In my own words

Im 5'7'', buck 90, I like to work out and run, I also enjoy studying satanism and the socializm regime and the necromincon, I find humor in morbid things and in almost everything. I like to play the guitar to but Im not very good at it I unleash a few shrill sounds but Im no prodigy, I like fuckin around on the keyboard and bass to neither of which Im am good at by any means, but I can sing not like classic or pop or other peoples stuff but I can sing all the songs that ive written so to me I can sing. I like being intelligent and learning but I dont like the aproach that school has of teaching things, I like learning things through expierience and learning them on my own. Just because I like learning does not by any means make me a square, I drink alot and party my ass off, Im up for anything. I like Women, not trying to be a pig or anything I respect them, I find the idea of sex and the mental stimulation and comfort of holding a woma
The Meaning Of Life...

well I know what the meaning of life is not. and its not about pleasing a higher power if anything its about making the best of your time while your here.
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Favorite Things


lots of classic and hardrock and metal

TV Show
south park, the colbert report

I dunno I like autobiographys






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