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Baby, Make Your Move...
Name: Kyros
Details: 34 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Ayr, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/absolutepassion
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In my own words

I am... unpredictable. Spontaneous. I hate getting stuck in a rut... so I avoid it, but I'm not commitment-phobic either. I like a relationship as much as I like being a sassy singleton.

I'm a really enthusiastic guy - I love life, and sooo many little things every day make me smile. I'm reaalllyyy not one for wallowing in misery - life's to live, not to whine about!

Um... what else? I work hard, I'm reaalllyyy motivated, about everything, not just work.

I love... going out on random nights, chilling with mates on the beach, going shopping for shmexxeh new clothes, long random phone convos in middle of the night, dancing like a whooorreee, exercise and anything getting blood pumping... I love a lotta things!

The only thing I really don't like is pessimistic people, so back off byatch!

Other than that... I'm just me!
Smile, FFS! XD
I'm gettin SO annoyed at people who moan and whine about NOTHING, it's like completely pointless!

There's like SO many little things to enjoy and sooo many people just ignore them completely and focus on how shitty their life supposedly is.

What CRAP! I mean things could always be SOOO much worse, and there are thousands of things every day to smile about... why are people so unhappy ffs?

Go on... give us a grin. It wont hurt, honest! XD

Kyros xxx
My Mum Says...

You're shocking. Absolutely shocking!
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
youngsexiboi69 wrote...  
ur fit u wanna talk more get bk 2 me msn / cam etc ?? xx
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mataeo_2 wrote...  
Hey Mr Cutie!
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bloodstainedsatin wrote...  
Hey baby :)
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Favorite Things

Italian, Sushi.

Haha Um.. dance stuff, rock, pretty much anythin!

TV Show

Marian Keyes

Devil Wears Prada, Million Dollar Baby

Night Club / Bar
Attica, The Collection, Roof Gardens


Stacey, ofc! xD

Milan orrrr Manhattan.

Mobile, Ipod.


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