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Tall, dark and handsome.
Name: David
Details: 41 years old (Gemini), Male, In Relationship, Bisexual
Location: Kent, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/boybandboy
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Chip the chipmunk
Madge, Guy & Lourdes
Grace wins Cirque de Celebrite
Kate Beckinsale & Adam Sandler-Click Premiere
In my own words

A live and let live kinda guy, struggling along my own lil path of life, think I got some bits sorted but lots of other stuff I still need to get right, such as finding the perfect job. Love having fun with friends, family and other loved ones. Always there for people when they need me. Finally found my Mister Right, toned, tanned, dark hair, stubble, beautiful blue eyes and the nicest guy you'd ever meet. We have fun and he treats me like a prince, what more could a boy want. Just got one thing to say to him though....I WIN!
If I was a Millionaire...

I'd be damn happy! I'd look after my family, friends and b/f. Everyone would have everything they needed to make their lives the best. My lil niece would have every toy she ever wanted,Myke would have a boat so he could go storm chasing whenever he wanted and I'd finally be able to re-pay my mum for all the time she's looked after me.
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Favorite Things

Chinese, Italian.

Most stuff that's in the charts.

TV Show
Buffy, Supernatural, Lost, Smallville.

Alex Garland, J.K Rowling

Kill Bills,X-Mens,Fast & The Furious,Pretty Woman

Night Club / Bar
Escape, Girls and Boys, Riverside.

Wolf and Chipmunks

My mum, sister, baby Isabel & Myke.

Home, Myke's house

i Pod, K800i, GHD's, Portable DVD player


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