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Name: David
Details: 42 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: chigwell, Essex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/chigwellm
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In my own words

if there are any women, as ive described when you read on, thats serious about meeting a genuine guy then i would love to be able to speak to you and get to know one another better. I am looking for a beautiful looking, cute woman, inside and out with a GSOH and takes pride in their overall apperance,But has that naturally beauty look.What i mean is she looks beautiful even when she has just woken up.In case you dont know i live in an area called Chigwell,its a good place to live.I have just bought a newly built house, which im very proud of. I am 28.white male.brown eyes,with short stylish brown hair,im 5ft 7 tall i know its not much but i have a 10ft tall personality and a good heart.I can tend to be a little cheeky at times but not in a rude way.At present i run my own business which is doing well and enables me to live a comfortable life style. also i have a great sense of humour & always manage to make people smile
If I was a Millionaire...

i would be a millionaire obviously
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Favorite Things

steak, shell fish Chinese, Italian

most types,rat pack,garage,house ect..

TV Show
24,prison break,Scared(MTV)

Warren Fellows(he wrote Damage Done)

shawshank redemption

Night Club / Bar
195 , warehouse, Sugar hut, Faces

Dog,2cats,1 cat i found in a bin & saved him,

my family & just many good friends


honesty and loyalty


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