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shorta*s, freak,named afta a deer(my mothers a crazy mofo)
Name: faline shears
Details: 36 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Straight
Location: scuddsville, in a rather attractive pink shed, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/deranged_pixie
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In my own words

I am completely crazy n a wannabe pornstar(jokin), mmmm, i can be really scary(avoid me in da mornins!) , ummmm, i do everything 2 much! i love me mates n all da old T.j's crew, da 1's dat matter 2 me know who they r! i'm a lazy bum, n i am surpisingly intelligent i just never show it cos its 2 much bloody effort!i'm a pretty random person,no like definite identity,i jus float around in me own lil' world half da time,u'll b lucky 2 get sense out of me! i live 4 gud times n 4 da day, i fink bout da consequences aftawards, u only live once!
My Mum Says...

that i shud wear less revealin tops, i.e, ones that actually cover my 'baps'(tried every ova word bt da bloody censory type ppl wouldn't let me hav them, hence da 'baps',n there u go) but like my dad says if its gonna end up comin off anyway , wots da point? lol.
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Favorite Things

ummm, chocolate, philadelphia etc

pop punk,ska, happy hardcore,random

TV Show
spaced, satc, desperate housewives, scrubs,

avn't gt a clue, maybe Melvin Burgess


Night Club / Bar
Tj'z n the Meze, my alternative homes

uhhh, do fairies count?i h8 wasps n bees

people r messed up, prob myself!lol.

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St Ives, bed(nt always my own lol) tj'z n meze

fags, my tattos,my m8s makeup


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