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Laughter is the best medicene.... Unless your Diabetic, in that case it's Insulin.
Name: Carl Daniels
Details: 42 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Stanford - NO - Hope (mis-print), Essex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/dr34m_w34v3r
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The group
Not So Little Me
What a view
In my own words

Where do I start? Im a kind, caring individual, who has a quick and sometimes very saucy sense of humour, as my friends would say I also tend to flirt pretty much all the time. I enjoy going to the gym at least 3 times a week and enjoy going swimming.
My hobbies include Carp fishing and watching movies, preferably round a friends house with a couple of drinks and some good food. I used to be a chef, so I like to cook when I get the chance. I have a pretty open mind when it comes to the music, liking anything from R+B to Garage, Pop to Rock. I have been single now for just over a year and currently not looking for any kind of relationship, but saying that you never know what is around the next corner!
The Meaning Of Life...

is well... to complicated to even imagine, so therefore I have decided to stop wasting time trying!!!!
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Favorite Things

Anything Spicy, Sambucca

All types with a good beat

TV Show
Either Prison Break or NCIS

Terry Pratchet


Night Club / Bar
Any that serves Sambucca or Tequila

Could be you ;)

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As I'm single right now I dunno


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