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kinda elf like
Name: Jasmin
Details: 38 years old (Aries), Female, In Relationship, Open Minded
Location: Rotherham/ West yorkshire, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/elf_a_me
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The lovely lukey ;p
In my own words

Well im a bit bored so back on here for a while, Hi to everyone i havent spoken to for ages and new ppl i havent met yet ;P
Ive Moved from the south to Rotherham in the north.Ive got a new job Ive been working for the RSPCA now for about 1 1/2 years passing inspectors their jobs, which isnt as dull as it sounds ;p
im still making dolls house mini's but not as much now. I still play a lot of pc/xbox games,A-Z|UK clan and Honour are still running so if interested when age of conan comes out give us a shout.

either A-Z|UK |Aug-Gasm (cs) or A-Z|UK |GirlRaven (1st person shooters) :Honour: Ravenz on rpg and mmorpg's
If I was a Millionaire...

I would buy all the ray mears holidays and help out more with charity + have lots of massive partys :D
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Lukey, Ray Mears

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