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Neva judge a book by it's cover....
Name: Sheldon
Details: 43 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/incideoutmonkey
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me gothed up
such a poser:P
In my own words

Hey ppl just a little about me: Im quiet but loud, Shy but outgoing can be very sensative n a tad paranoid:( i like to express myself but am a good natured person...i might look scary but im a big softy! im vry much in2 a wide variation of music but here are a few of my fav bands:Marilyn Manson, NIN, Korn, SOAD, Cradle of filth, Aphex twin, The Murderdolls, Godhead, Soil, Union underground, Type o negetive, Fear factory, StaticX, Iron maiden, Guns n roses plus many more the list is endless...im also a frontman in a band called 'Incideoutmonkey' (if u aint already guessed:P) I use my band as a way of release 2 express my anger n emotions...in my spare time i like 2 go out with my freinds drink lotsa jack daniels tlk rubbish n dance like a crazy fool all nite lol...Well im gonna stop babblin now!!! If u wanna kno more about me just leave a msg n i'll get bk intouch as soon as possible:)
The Meaning Of Life...

Experience all you possibly can, Then grow old and DIE!!!
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Favorite Things

Chocolate fudge cake

Large variation but mostly metal/rock/cyber/goth

TV Show
The simpsons/Family Guy

don't read much

The Crow/Ichi The Killer any 'jay n silent bob'

Night Club / Bar
The Crypt/The dark place/Concent


marilyn manson

My Dreams

My imagination


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