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Name: Mouse
Details: 35 years old (Taurus), Female, Open Minded
Location: Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/psycho_toast
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In my own words

I think the only people that dont have anything to say about themselves, are DULL. I personally love the subject of me, its my favourite! I'm Mouse, and I like cheese, allot. I think it is an injustice that there is no option between I drink occasionally and I get drunk, you make me sound like and alcoholic faceparty! I'm not arrogant I'm confident, there is a difference. if you dont know what that difference is, visit dictionary.com. I wish my life was like The X Files, which was the single most perfect TV show ever created. I want to be abducted by aliens and I want to go to Oxford to be like Mulder. Failing that I wouldnt mind a go at being Spiderman I love normal things, such as friends, parties, drinking etc. I also love superheroes, aliens, the paranormal, computer games and all of those things Im sure youre too cool for. On a side note, rain on your wedding day is not ironic, its just unfortunate.
My Eternal Dilemma...

Edam or Chedder?
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breakfastboy wrote...  
Edam, definately... hmm.. no, actually Cheddar has more flavour (depending on the type of Cheddar, obviously)... hell, mix them both.... or is that just asking for trouble?
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Jesus what big teeth you have
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New hair _ (which is now old hair)
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Favorite Things

Cheese, well I am a Mouse after all

TV Show
The X Files (and a million more)

Robert Rankin

House Hippo Obviously

Jean-luc and Mulder

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On board the starship enterprise

My Dignity...Oh wait


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