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I'm unique thats the nicest way to put it lol
Name: Paula
Details: 35 years old (Leo), Female, Straight
Location: Edinburger, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/substitute_pink
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In my own words

Ok to start with not gonna name all the bands i like cos there are to many. I'm me, if u don't like it then thats ur choice, I don't like it when people lie mainly cos it usually hurts more if they do. I'm into peircings in a big way lip, 2 tragus, lobes at 2.4mm, 3 helix, industrial, septum, bottom belly button, 3 at the top, both nipples, 2 conch and hood so that makes 20 now got a few more lined up. I'll try anything once and if I like it I'll do it again ;) I love music and snowboarding they seem to go together quite well so no complaints there. I love my friends and Nate's car its so pretty (sorry its manly grrr)I also love jelly beans. I usually answer if ppl message me so if u got nothing better 2 do...oh and please rate me *mwa* (www.myspace.com/threeblackstars)
My Eternal Dilemma...

Why people ask if...
My piercings hurt? the answer is yes, wtf needle + body = pain what were you expecting?.
Why i have piercings? the answer is because i want to.
(sorry about the rant)
p.s. i will NOT show peircings even if you ask incredibly nicely, so save youself the time don't message to ask to see them.
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Favorite Things

Pizza, Toast with jam, White Chocolate

A little bit of anything with talent behind it

TV Show
CSI i dont really watch much tv

Terry Pratchet Discworld rules!!

Reservoir Dogs...You Farking know!

Night Club / Bar
Rush (Edinburger) 13th Note (Glasgow)


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Sleeping or being pierced.

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