bn snowed under too..! had deadline for my course on mon, my sis n her hubby split, had performance management obs, n had pesky hurty ulcer on my cornea so bn to eye hosp for loadsa checks n reviews..Managed to leave wrk on time today so hit the gym! jus doin dinner! wots all ur wrk bn about? ur evenin goin gd? gx
awww ... oh no! so ur all lonely then? iv bn at wrk ... jus got bk.. usually hv an 'after wrk staff meeting' on a mon... but the Head tool us all out fror earlu dinner ...cos we're fabby n ace n had a dead ace ofsted last week! his way of thankin us! got a some wrk to do for the course im doin too in a bit .. jus chillin for a bit n doin glass of wine! n u? u had a happy day? catcha soon... no misbehavin u! gx